India Ati Sunder

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Goverdhan Parikrama a pilgrimage

Goverdhan Parikrama is a pilgrimage that one takes around a hill named Goverdhan.
Aboyut sixteen kilometres from the holy city of Vrindavan is situated this town Goverdhan incidently named after the hill Goverdhan.
According to Hindu mythology Lord Krishna grew up around this area mainly covering Mathura his birthplace ,Vrindavan where he grew up and Goverdhan .
It is said that once there was non stop torrential rain which was causing flood like situation,Lord Krishna came to everyone's rescue  and lifted this hill on his little finger thus saving everyone.
This belief started that when there is a problem in one's life one should go around this hill and god blesses and protects everyone.
The path around the hill is of 21kms and one goes barefoot around it to feel the holy presence of Lord Krishna.
All around it are small villages and scattered are lot of old temples and holy lakes.
Behind the trees is the Goverdhan hill,not very high and about 7kms long.

on the way there is a lot of greenery with water bodies around
the sunset behind the hill
undertaking the walk
places to rest on the way

local shopkeepers whoi sell drinks and food

walking and walking
some beautiful monuments
there is a side walk and a road parallel to the route

this family is doing the round by continuously lying down and not walking
the lady here has a stone that she places after lying down and continues from that point again it takes about 24hrs to complete it like this.
lot of water bodies around the way
my dear sisters

half way is the point where Krishna lifted the hill
some old temples

temples along the way

religious festivity
hindu gods and godesses
old monuments
very old ruins
this picture shows Lord Krishna lifting the mountain on his little finger.
going on at night
yes we did it ...finished the walk ..a lot of satisfaction and sense of achievment.
Along with my sisters and an aunt I went for this pilgrimage barefoot and finished it in 5hrs nonstop.We started at 4.30 pm and finished the walk at 9.30pm.Along the way we saw so many people from all walks of life undertaking this walk ,some also doing it by lying down in continuty all the way... As they say faith can move mountains!

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